Speaker: João Pires
Topic: Bioplastics
Abstract: “Amidst escalating environmental concerns and the imperative to prevent the pollution caused by the overuse of plastic, an increasingly urgent demand for more eco-friendly materials that offer sustainable alternatives is imposed by various stakeholders across various industries, driving innovation and fostering a paradigm shift towards a more environmentally conscious future. Bio4plas is a compounder industry that explores innovative strategies for valorizing underutilized biomass or other residue resources considered by-products in agriculture and industry to develop sustainable alternatives to traditional plastics and composites. Through interdisciplinary collaboration and technological innovation, Bio4Plas explores national and international innovation projects that play a pivotal role in catalyzing the development and adoption of novel technologies and processes, thus accelerating the transformation of these undervalued residues into high-value-added bioplastics and biocomposites.”
Short Bio: https://www.linkedin.com/in/phdjoão-pires/
Link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/92266068943?pwd=YU9YOHp4dmRhdDc4UGhxN0xCR1Z0Zz09
Password: 601235