Visita do Dr. Christos Tokamanis, da Comissão Europeia - DG for Research & Innovation, ao CENIMAT e CEMOP, dia 08 de Julho de 2014
Head of Unit "Nano and converging Sciences and Technologies"
DG Research, European Commission
Head of Unit “Advanced Materials and Nano Technologies”
Directorate “Key Enabling Technologies”
Directorate-General “Research & Innovation”
European Commission
Trained as chemical, material engineer holds a degree in Business Administration. He has worked in the chemical and electrical engineering industries before joining the European Commission in 1987.
Since then, he has been working in the Research field of advanced materials, new production systems and transport technologies.
He has been, for 5 years, Head of Unit responsible for Sub- Priority 6.2 “Sustainable Surface Transport” in the FP6 Specific Programme “Integrating & Strengthening ERA”.
On the 1st of May 2004, he was appointed responsible for the Unit “Products, processes, organisation” renamed “New generation of products” within Directorate “Industrial Technologies” of “Directorate General “Research and Innovation”.
On 1st of July 2008, he took the responsibility of the “Nano- Sciences and Nanotechnologies” unit within this same Directorate “Industrial Technologies.
As from the1st January this year, under H2020, he took the lead of the unit “Advanced Materials and Nano Technologies” of the same Directorate renamed “Key Enabling Technologies”