In the frame of BET-EU project (H2020-TWINN-2015, GA. nº692373) it is OPEN A CALL for 30 training positions to exploit the existing characterization and processing tools at UNINOVA, and CENIMAT/I3N, for slots of 15 days each, directed to Master and PhD students hosted in I3Nhub institutions, whose work plans are related with Advanced Functional Materials, Nanotechnologies, devices and systems related to them. Moreover, PhD students from the national PhD programme in Advanced Materials and Processing, AdvaMtech, will be also considered (see file in attached).
a. Training in Processing tools – Screen-printing, ink-jet printing, spraypyrolysis, and clean classroom fabrication techniques (further information: http://www.cenimat.fct.unl.pt/services/laboratory-electronic-and-optoelectronicmaterials-and-devices and http://www.uninova.pt/cemop/)b. Training in Characterization tools – SEM-FIB, XRD, AFM, Spectroscopic measurements (UV-VIS-NIR/FTIR/Ellipsometry), profilometer, contact angle, DSC/TG/DTA (thermal analysis), electrical measurements (Hall, I-V, Kelvin probe), and other available tools within the Materials for Electronics, Optoelectronics and Nanotechnologies Group (further information: http://www.cenimat.fct.unl.pt/services/services-description)
Requirements: Master and PhD students in Materials Sciences, Micro and Nano-technologies, Physics and other related areas.