

M-ERA.NET Call 2017 is open


The M-ERA.NET Call 2017 was launched on the 14 March 2017. More than 30 funding agencies from more than 25 countries participate with a preliminary total budget of around 25 million € national/regional funding.


The aim is to fund ambitious transnational RTD projects addressing materials research and innovation including materials for low carbon energy technologies and related production technologies. M-ERA.NET aims to strengthen the contribution of materials R&D to energy-related applications where applicable.


The Call 2017 includes the following thematic areas:

  • Integrated computational materials engineering (ICME)
  • Innovative surfaces, coatings and interfaces
  • High performance composites
  • Multifunctional materials
  • New strategies for advanced material-based technologies in health applications
  • Materials for additive manufacturing


Submit Pre-Proposal form via M-ERA.NET submission system , deadline is 13 June 2017 12:00

Please contact your respective national/regional funding organisation for detailed information!