In the frame of BET-EU project (H2020-TWINN-2015, GA. nº692373) it is OPEN A CALL for PhD students connected to the i3N hub and partner institutions, to join the Summer School on "NANO-SCALE MATERIALS - Characterization Techniques and Application "1 to be held in Dresden – Germany, August 27th to 29th.
The focus of the school is to expand knowledge in the field of nanoscale materials and nanoanalysis. The subjects covered in this course extend from fundamentals of materials science and analysis to the current nanotechnologies and challenges in industry.
Action description:
Scientific area: Advanced Functional Materials, Multi-scale materials characterization
Explore advanced functional materials, with emphasis on:
- Microscopy: Imaging and element analysis
- Stress and mechanical properties
- Process control and quality assessment *Program attached to this announcement
Requirements: PhD students and Pos-Docs within i3N whose work plans are related with Advanced Functional Materials and Multi-scale materials characterization.