Open all-inclusive slots for Master students, PhD students and (early stage) Postdocs at TU Dresden to participate in the International Summer School "MATERIALS 4.0: Deep Materials: Perspectives on data-driven materials research”
We still have few open all-inclusive slots for Master students, PhD students and (early stage) Postdocs to participate in the International Summer School "MATERIALS 4.0: Deep Materials: Perspectives on data-driven materials research” which will take place at TU Dresden this year (September 10 - 14, 2018).
Innovative materials are one of the key technologies for keeping products and industrial processes economically competitive and ecologically sustainable. Modern materials science requires a multi-discipline approach embracing chemistry, physics, engineering, as well as data science. This summer school will provide an overview of current developments in data-driven materials science – with a particular focus on Machine Learning and modern numerical approaches – and will offer a platform for discussions about future perspectives.
The registration is open until June 20th. For excellent Master and PhD students and (early stage) Postdocs, all-inclusive grants (travel support, accommodation, participation) will be available.
For further information and the tentative list of speakers please refer to the Summer School homepage: http://dcms.tu-dresden.de/materials40/