No passado dia 21 de Novembro, o Senhor Embaixador de Israel em Portugal, Raphael Gamzou, em conjunto com o Prof. Hossam Haick da Universidade de Technion visitaram o CENIMAT|i3N em particular na área dos Materiais Avançados Funcionais e Nanotecnologias tendo em vista a colaboração entre as duas instituições, uma vez que a investigação que é praticada tem muitos pontos comuns.
Gostaríamos de realçar o facto de o Estado de Israel ser considerado como uma “Start-Up Nation” e como tal este tipo de colaboração ser também muito importante na área do empreendedorismo.
Para mais informações sobre o trabalho Científico do Prof. Hossam Haick consultar a sua biografia resumida em: http://lnbd.technion.ac.il/team/prof-hossam-haick/
Prof. Hossam Haick /
Head of the Group
Hossam Haick, an expert in the field of nanotechnology and non-invasive disease diagnosis, is a full professor and the F.M.W. Academic Chair in the Department of Chemical Engineering and the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. Prof. Haick received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. (direct track) in Chemical Engineering from the Ben-Gurion University (1998) and the Technion (2002) respectively. After a two-year period at the Weizmann Institute of Science (2002-2004), he moved to the California Institute of Technology – Caltech (2004-2006) for postdoctoral research, and then to the Technion as an assistant professor in 2006.
Prof. Haick has published more than 170 publications in top-level journals in the field of nanotechnology and advanced/applied materials/chemistry, and more than five book chapters. Additionally, Prof. Haick holds more than 28 patents for his inventions.
Prof. Haick’s research interests include nano-array devices for screening, diagnosis and monitoring of disease, nanomaterial-based chemical (flexible) sensors, electronic skin, breath analysis, volatile biomarkers, and molecule-based electronic devices.