he Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development (CDRSP) of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria intend to hire, in a short time, new collaborators within scientific grants. These grants are available for people with a degree or Master degree.
Send an email with your CV to our human resources department through the email: research.fellows.cdrsp@ipleiria.pt
We need candidates with the following backgrounds: Mechanical Engineering and related areas; Material Engineering and related areas; Chemical Engineering and related areas; Electronic Engineering and related areas; Computed Engineering and related areas, Product Design and related areas.
I asked for your support to spread widely for your students, alumni and other contacts the attachment that we attach to this email.
Those interested should send us an email to our responsible for scientific research grants: research.fellows.cdrsp@ipleiria.pt
Virtual Visit to three of our nineteen Laboratories: https://goo.gl/maps/ZmuXcDNoM832