The European Materials platform, under the demand of the European Commission published a reflexion paper with intervention of main European stakeholders where Professor Rodrigo Martins was one of editors and contributions from several researchers, among them, Professor Elvira Fortunato. The EC has just published in her website the report called "The role of the Materials in a Post Covid Society".
This Reflection Paper addresses the role of materials in the post-covid society and summarises positioning, potential solutions, and recommendations from the European Materials community, Alliance for Materials A4M, towards Horizon Europe in the post-covid scenario.
The paper compiles existing Strategic Research Agendas (SRAs) of different materials stakeholders and addresses a specific reflection in the context of the current coronavirus pandemic. It puts forward proposals for strategic research and innovation activities to the European Commission, Member States, and the European Parliament, taking into account the objectives of the Green Deal Priorities and Recovery Plan.